CRPF Recruitment 2022  Constable/GD Sports Quota 322 Posts Recruitment Notification Released RECRUITMENT OF MERITORIOUS SPORTS PERSONS TO THE POST OF HEAD CONSTABLE/GENERAL DUTY UNDER SPORTS QUOTA-2022 IN CRPF.  CRPF Head Constables Sports Quota Recruitment 2022

Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens (Male & Female) for filling up 322vacancies for the Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial posts of Head Constable(General Duty) in Group “C” on temporary basis (likely to be made permanent) in Central Reserve Police Force against SPORTS QUOTA as per table at Para 2(a). The posts have all India liability. Selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. On appointment, the candidates shall be governed by the CRPF Act and Rules. Applications from candidates will be accepted through speed post/registered post only 

CRPF Recruitment 2022 Head Constable/GD Sports Quota 322 Posts Recruitment Notification

CRPF: à°¸ీఆర్‌à°ªీà°Žà°«్‌à°²ో 322 à°¹ెà°¡్ à°•ాà°¨ిà°¸్à°Ÿేà°¬ుà°²్ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿుà°²ు

à°¸ెంà°Ÿ్à°°à°²్ à°°ిజర్à°µ్ à°ªోà°²ీà°¸్ à°«ోà°°్à°¸్… à°¸్à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿ్à°¸్ à°•ోà°Ÿా à°•ింà°¦ à°—్à°°ూà°ª్ 'à°¸ి' à°µిà°­ాà°—ంà°²ో à°¹ెà°¡్ à°•ాà°¨ిà°¸్à°Ÿేà°¬ుà°²్ (జనరల్ à°¡్à°¯ూà°Ÿీ) à°¨ాà°¨్-à°—ెà°œిà°Ÿెà°¡్ & à°¨ాà°¨్ à°®ిà°¨ిà°¸్à°Ÿీà°°ియల్ à°–ాà°³ీà°² à°­à°°్à°¤ీà°•ి à°…à°°్à°¹ుà°²ైà°¨ à°ªుà°°ుà°·, మహిà°³ా à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°² à°¨ుంà°šి దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ులను à°•ోà°°ుà°¤ోంà°¦ి. à°Žంà°ªిà°•ైà°¨ à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు à°­ారతదేà°¶ం, à°µిà°¦ేà°¶ాà°²్à°²ో à°µిà°§ుà°²ు à°¨ిà°°్వర్à°¤ింà°šాà°²్à°¸ి à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి.

à°¹ెà°¡్ ​​à°•ాà°¨ిà°¸్à°Ÿేà°¬ుà°²్: 322 à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿుà°²ు

à°•్à°°ీà°¡ా à°µిà°­ాà°—ాà°²ు: ఆర్à°šà°°ీ, à°…à°¥్à°²ెà°Ÿిà°•్à°¸్, à°¬్à°¯ాà°¡్à°®ింà°Ÿà°¨్, à°¬ాà°¸్à°•ెà°Ÿ్‌à°¬ాà°²్, à°¬ాà°¡ీà°¬ిà°²్à°¡ింà°—్, à°¬ాà°•్à°¸ింà°—్, à°«ుà°Ÿ్‌à°¬ాà°²్, à°œిà°®్à°¨ాà°¸్à°Ÿిà°•్à°¸్, à°¹్à°¯ాంà°¡్‌à°¬ాà°²్, à°¹ాà°•ీ, à°œూà°¡ో, కబడ్à°¡ీ, à°•à°°ాà°Ÿే, à°·ూà°Ÿింà°—్, à°¸్à°µిà°®్à°®ింà°—్, à°µాà°Ÿà°°్ à°ªోà°²ో, à°Ÿ్à°°à°¯ాà°¥్à°²ాà°¨్, à°¤ైà°•్à°µాంà°¡ో, à°µాà°²ీà°¬ాà°²్, à°µాà°Ÿà°°్‌ à°¸్à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿ్à°¸్, à°µెà°¯ిà°Ÿ్‌ à°²ిà°«్à°Ÿింà°—్‌, à°°ెà°œ్à°²ింà°—్(à°«్à°°ీ à°¸్à°Ÿైà°²్‌), à°°ెà°œ్à°²ింà°—్ (à°—్à°°ీà°•ో à°°ోమన్), ఉషు.

à°œీà°¤ à°­à°¤్à°¯ాà°²ు: à°°ూ.25500 - à°°ూ.81100.

à°…à°°్హత: పన్à°¨ెంà°¡ో తరగతిà°¤ోà°ªాà°Ÿు à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ిà°¤ à°•్à°°ీà°¡ాంà°¶ాà°²్à°²ో à°…à°°్హత à°¸ాà°§ింà°šి à°‰ంà°¡ాà°²ి.

వయోపరిà°®ిà°¤ి: 18 à°¨ుంà°šి 23 à°¸ంవత్సరాà°² మధ్à°¯ à°‰ంà°¡ాà°²ి.

à°Žంà°ªిà°• à°ª్à°°à°•్à°°ిà°¯: à°•్à°°ీà°¡ా à°ª్రదర్శన, à°¸్à°ªోà°°్à°Ÿ్à°¸్ à°Ÿ్రయల్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్, à°®ెà°¡ిà°•à°²్ à°Žà°—్à°œాà°®ిà°¨ేà°·à°¨్, à°«ిà°œిà°•à°²్ à°¸్à°Ÿాంà°¡à°°్à°¡్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్, à°¡ాà°•్à°¯ుà°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°µెà°°ిà°«ిà°•ేà°·à°¨్ తదితరా ఆధాà°°ంà°—ా.

దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°°ుà°¸ుà°®ు: à°°ూ.100(à°Žà°¸్à°¸ీ, à°Žà°¸్à°Ÿీ, మహిà°³ా à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ులకు, à°«ీà°œు à°šెà°²్à°²ింà°ªు à°¨ుంà°šి à°®ినహాà°¯ింà°ªు à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి).

దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ుà°•ు à°šివరి à°¤ేà°¦ీ: à°°ిà°•్à°°ూà°Ÿ్‌à°®ెంà°Ÿ్ à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ à°µెà°²ువడిà°¨ à°¤ేà°¦ీ à°¨ుంà°šి 30 à°°ోà°œుà°²్à°²ోà°—ా దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°šేà°¯ాà°²ి.

CRPF HC Sports Quota Recruitment 2022: Overview

Organization Name Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
Post Name(s) Head Constable
No. of Posts 322
Salary Rs. 25500- 81100/- (Level-4)
Apply Mode Offline
Start Date to Apply will be updated soon
Education Qualification Class 12th + Sports Qualification
Official Website
Last Date to Apply will be updated soon

CRPF Recruitment 2022 Head Constable/GD Sports Quota Educational Qualifications

10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board/ University. [Candidates should note that Date of Birth and Name as recorded in the Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate will only be accepted for determining the age etc. No subsequent request for its change will be considered or granted. Candidates who doesn’t possess the essential educational qualification as on31/12/2021shall not be eligible and need not apply.] 

CRPF Recruitment 2022 Head Constable/GD Sports Quota Sports Qualification

Individual event (National) Sportsperson of merit who must have won any medal in individual event in National Games/National Championships (Both Junior & Senior) or any recognized sports meet of national repute conducted under the aegis of respective Federation/ Association recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports or conducted by the Indian Olympic Association during last three years from the date of publication of recruitment advertisement in Newspapers/websites. 

Team event (National) The team of sportsperson must have won any medal in National Games/National Championships (Both Junior & Senior) or any recognized sports meet of national repute conducted under the aegis of respective Federation/Association recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports or conducted by the Indian Olympic Association during last three years from the date of publication of recruitment advertisement in Newspapers/websites. 

Individual/Team event (International) Sportsperson of merit who have represented the Country in any international repute championship conducted under the aegis of respective Federation/Association during last three years from the date of publication of recruitment advertisement in newspapers/websites

CRPF Head Constables Sports Quota Recruitment 2022 Age

18 to 23 years as on closing date of receipt of application 

Candidates should note that the Date of Birth and name as recorded in the
Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent certificate will only be accepted by
the CRPF for determining the age and name. No subsequent request for its change will be considered
or granted.

Age Relaxations:
Un-reserved 05 Years
OBC 05+03 =08 years
SC/ST 05+05=10 years
Ex-Servicemen (UR) 05+03=08 years after deduction of the military
service rendered from the actual age

CRPF Head Constables Recruitment 2022  Application Fee

An amount of Rs. 100/- will be charged as application fee from the
candidates belonging to General and OBC category. However, no fee will be charged from
candidates belonging to SC/ST community and women.

CRPF Head Constables Recruitment 2022  SELECTION PROCESS :

(i) Candidates, whose candidature/applications have been provisionally accepted/found
in order, will be issued admit card/call letter to appear in the recruitment process
i.e.checking/verification of documents, Physical Standard and Trial as per details
mentioned below:-

  • a) Sports performance/achievement/trial test as prescribed for recruitment of sportspersons.
  • b) The standard of candidates in their respective sports/events will be ascertained on the basis of merit drawn after taking into consideration of last 03 years achievements.
  • c) Only those candidates whosedocuments are found in order, qualify PST/Trial will be shortlisted for DME which will be conducted as per revised uniform guidelines for recruitment medical examination issued by ADG(Medical) CAPF dated 20/05/2015& 31/05/2021.
  • d) Testimonials of the candidates will be re-checked during Detailed Medical Examination Stage.Re-checking of testimonialsduring DME will again be the sole responsibility of Concerned Recruitment Boards.
  • e) The decision of Recruitment Board with regard to matters connected with this recruitment will be final in all respects and no further correspondence will be made for the rejected applications.

Download Detailed Notification PDF

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