YSR KADAPA - ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021 - Download APPLICATION Form Notification Recruitment – YSR District – Filling up of the post of ASHA Worker’s in the Ward Secretariat’s of UPHC’s of Division in the District – PROSPECTUS, APPLICATION FORM & Vacancies List.

YSR KADAPA - ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021 - Download APPLICATION Form Notification

DISTRICT MEDICAL AND HEALTH OFFICE, YSR DIST NOTIFICATION NO .01/ASHA/PODTT/KDP/2021 FILLING UP OF THE POSTS OF ASHA’S TO WORK IN UPHCs of YSR DIST 1) Offline applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling the following No. of posts in Urban Primary Health Centers (UPHCs) of YSR Kadapa District, 

Recruitment – YSR District – Filling up of the post of ASHA Worker’s in the Ward Secretariat’s of UPHC’s of Kadapa ,Rayachoty, Proddatur, Rajampeta and Kamanuru UPHCs in the District – PROSPECTUS ,APPLICATION FORM and Vacancies List uploaded to the website – Reg.

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Education Qualifications and Age ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021:
Name of the post : ASHA Worker
Qualifications: 10TH CLASS / Intermediate
Performance -based Incentive (Honorarium): 10000

The age should be in between 25 to 45 years as on 01.11.2021.
Note: Maximum age limit mentioned above is subject to issue of orders from the Government

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021:-

  • ➢ ASHA must be a woman resident of the Urban Area --Slum /Vulnerable Clusters.
  • ➢ Preferably Married / Widow /Divorced / Separated Woman.
  • ➢ Minimum Educational Qualification shall be 10th pass /Intermediate.
  • ➢ Fluency in Telugu Reading and Writing with effective communication skills and leadership qualities.

Time schedule for processing and completion of the ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021:

  • Issue of Notification 22-11-2021
  • Call for applications 23-11-2021 to 25-11-2021
  • Scrutiny of applications 26-11-2021 to 27-11-2021
  • Display of Final Merit list 28-11-2021
  • Issue of Appointment Orders 29-11-2021

FEE ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021:
The candidates applying for the posts should invariably enclose Demand draft obtained in favor of , PROJECT OFFICER ,DISTRICT TRAINING TEAM (IPP-VI), Kadapa for Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only.) 

METHOD OF SELECTION ASHA Workers Recruitment 2021:
Selection Process:

  • 1. Total Marks –100.
  • 2. 50 Marks will be allocated against marks obtained in the qualifying examination
  • 3. 50 Marks will be given for Local Status / Service (worked in any NGO Organization’s).
  • 4. Scrutiny of applications, display of provisional merit list, receipt of appeals if any, final merit list, selection list, conduction of counseling and issue of appointment orders will be done by the District Medical & Health Officer, Kadapa, YSR District under the guidance of District Selection Committee headed by the Chairman and the Joint Collector (V,WS&D), O/O the Collector & District Magistrate, Kadapa, YSR District.
  • 5. Selection is based on merit, experience

A. Candidates shall apply only through offline.
B. The start date for submission of applications with all relevant documents is from 23.11.2021 to 25 .11.2021.
C. The last date for submission of application is 25.11.2021 by 5.00 PM in the O/o DM&HO, KADAPA.

 Download Notification and APPLICATION Form Click Here

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