AP Recruitments Notifications 2021 - UPComing AP JOBS 2021 - Expected Vacancies - Qualifications. AP Recruitment Notifications 2021 - UPComing Notifications - Expected Vacancies. AP Andhra Pradesh Upcoming Recruitment Notifications and expected Vacancies for 2021. Below are the upcoming Recruitment notifications to be released in AP for employment. These vacancies are expected and approximate collected from various sources. These recruitment notifications may release when Govt accords permission.  These upcoming notifications contains POLICE Department, DSC for Teachers, APPSC GROUPS etc.

AP Recruitments Notifications 2021 - UPComing AP JOBS 2021 - Expected Vacancies - Qualifications

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Board/ Agency
Post Name Approx Vacancies
AP Postal Circle Branch Postmaster (BPM) 90 10th Class
APPSC Group IV 639 Intermediate
APPSC Group I 93 Any Degree
APPSC Group II 814 Any Degree
APPSC Group III 339 Any Degree
AP Police Constable (Civil, AR & APSP) 11000 Intermediate
AP Police SI & RSI Intermediate, Any Degree
Board/ Agency
Post Name Approx Vacancies
AP Police Dy Jailor, Station Fire Officer, Firemen, Jail Warder thelocalhub.in 4000 Intermediate, Any Degree
AP Forest Department Various Vacancies 1945
AP Revenue Dept Dy Tehsildar & Revenue Inspector
SSA, AP Teaching & Non Teaching Staff
APPSC Engineering Services 768
APPSC Various Vacancy 2608
AP Police Home Services www.thelocalhub.in 7740
AP Police Engineering Services 70
AP Police Group IV 44
DSC Medical Services 7872
DSC Group IV 238 Inter/Degree
DSC Various Vacancy 2178
DSC SGT & School Asst --  D.Ed/ B.Ed
JNTU, Kakinada Various Vacancy 110
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